Why Did I Start The Model Father Blog?
Welcome to my first ever blog post! This is very exciting for me because it has been a long time coming. Let me start by saying welcome, and thank you for checking out my page!

First things first, where did the name come from? Well, it’s a bit of a misnomer, but with good reason. I am far from a model anything so if you came here for parenting advice might I suggest checking out Dr. Christian Conte (not a parenting expert, but I have gotten a lot out of his videos). The name is a play on words because I am an aspiring Big & Tall (or some might call it a Brawn) model and I am also a stay-at-home dad to 5 amazing children. I am hoping to use this blog to discover things about myself, inform all of you out there who might have questions about modeling how I am doing it, and to share all the triumphs and failures that I face on a regular basis as a dad pursuing a dream. I’m not perfect, but I’m working hard and I hope that I can connect with people in a more personal way through this blog as I continue on this Journey.
So, what can you expect from this blog? I want to dive into all aspects of my life. I started this adventure on Instagram, but the app can be so fickle and shallow if I’m being totally honest. Some people want to see just modeling pictures there. Other people want to see more about other aspects of my life. The reality is there is only so much you can share there because we have small windows to show a captivating picture and share a small blurb about what the picture might be about before people lose interest and keep scrolling. I can’t paint an adequate picture about my life through the app so I want this blog to serve as a more in-depth depiction of me and my life, and I’ll simply use Instagram as the tool that it is because let’s be real, if that app disappears tomorrow, I don’t want that to be the end of my career in modeling or the end of my imprint on this world.

I can’t promise the type of consistency typical of a successful blog, but I will do my best to upload as often as possible. Some of the topics I will be writing about in the coming months: How I got into modeling, becoming a stay-at-home-dad (from here on out I’ll most likely be referring to this as SAHD), and lots of issues regarding health. Whether it be mental health, physical health, what kind of diet I have adopted or what I’ve tried in the past, how I exercise, or what I wear when I exercise, or even real conversations that I’ve had with people who believe this journey is somehow damaging my health.
I will be sharing periodically about my faith as well. I’m not going to throw faith in anybody’s face or try to convince you to adopt my faith. I will simply be sharing how I came to my faith and how it plays a part in my life.
I will also share about my favorite big and tall brands, models, tips, events I attend, and also whats to come for my brands. I am currently working on growing 2 brands. The first one is @freshtoseth which is exclusive to my modeling, and this one, The Model Father, which will be every other aspect of my life and how I balance life in pursuit of modeling. There will be some products and events I’m creating, some collaborations, and interaction with brands and supporters. This is where you will see behind the scenes pics and videos, find out about Vlog posts (also in the works), and meet the most important people in my life, my family!
I really hope those of you who check out this blog get something from it! Please subscribe and share anything you find helpful or interesting. And I LOVE feedback! Is there anything you want more of? Less of? I want to hear about it so don’t be shy and leave some comments!
Peace and Love,